Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Our team will take pictures of places we like to go swimming and do a google map and slideshow, possibly an audio one. We can use the handy tool of google picassa to save our pictures online so we don't have to worry about bringing our cameras in.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Newspaper Vidoes

Putting a Twist on Spaghetti:
This is from the New York Times so ofcouse it is of good quality, sound and picture wise. It is about 5 minutes long so it is appropriate for online news, viewers can look at it on their own time. It is nothing I would air live in a news broadcast because it is not ground breaking news, just interesting. This is not a very effective video.


This is also from NYT.com so it is of very good quality as well. This video IS effective and I WOULD air it online, because it is current, effective news with personal stories of the Afghanistan women and how they are being treated. It is 7 minuted long but worth watching.

Monday, April 13, 2009


New Years in Thailand.
This report was a slideshow but only contained 6 pictures of New Years in Thailand. They were taken from a car window so they were inconsistant and very rando. They didn't emphasize on any excitment, it just looks like any other day in the city. The story was short and didn't tell me anything about New Years in Thailand. This has not been on the air for obvious reasons. I would have gotten out of the car and risked taking better pictures.

Racial Equality in NYC

This video was pretty interesting. It was about a guy who lives in New York City reporting on the racial equality rallies that were taking place on Easter. He interviewed a rallier and obtained some opinions. It was good quality and could be aired on cnn.

Police Officers
This man definitely should not be on cnn. He talks really bad and looks even worse. He sounds uneducated and keeps repeating himself. He wants cops to give people common courtesy. He makes some good points but looks to idiotic to be taken seriously. I could definitely have done a better job.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Greener Construction

Tara, Emily, Michelle, Ariana

Go Green...Even with Construction!

Today, more than ever, the world is creating more and more ways to “go green,” or simply live more efficiently. Many of us have realized the world will eventually run clear of resources if we don’t effectively start to conserve them, immediately. By living “greener” one can minimize pollution, protect our environment and create a healthy, non-hazardous place for us all. This is very important for those of us who plan to build new homes as well. The new building Lyndon State College is having built is also thinking green with the lumber they are using. The construction workers are using recyclable wood all throughout the new structure. The California Energy Commission offers the following tips for “greener” building.
First of all, make sure your project is appropriate for where you live. Certain materials and methods are better suited for specific geographical locations. Heavier construction materials should be used for drastic temperatures in the Southwest, for example, and lighter ones in places like southern Florida. Secondly, when possible, build with materials that are that of recycled content. This aspect pretty much speaks for itself. Examples of materials that can be recyclable are: metals, timber, plastic, glass, and ceramics. Thirdly, buy your materials locally so you can cut down on transportation and environmental costs.
Following these easy to follow tips will help our environment and the home builder in the long run. Investing in quality products may cost a little bit more, but will last a lot longer in the end, which is the efficiency the world now needs more than ever.