Thursday, December 3, 2009

Textbooks for Sale

Selling your used textbooks is an easy way to earn quick cash before the holidays, but a few measures are being taken by the bookstore to prevent theft.

Bookstore manager Anita Little-Drown gave some useful information for students and their textbooks.

In an email, Little-Drown said to sell a book, a customer needs to have their picture ID and the book they intend to sell. The bookstore will scan the book and tell students what they can offer for that particular book. Students will be asked to fill out some paperwork and then given cash on the spot.

Little-Drown says no reciepts are needed for the transaction. The bookstore buys books that they have a need for year round, and the best time to sell is before an upcoming semester. If the bookstore has an open order for the book trying to be sold, and is in good shape, the price they offer is generally half of the retail price.

Selling textbooks also comes with the worry of stolen items trying to be sold back to the bookstore. Little-Drown recommends students place a small mark in their book so that they can identify it easily. Some examples include to write initials on the page of your favorite number, or to circle a specific page number in each book. She feels students books are assets and should be treated as such. Books should be treated with the same care as an iPod.

Consequences of selling stolen books are handled by the college she says. She could not cite specific numbers of stolen textbooks this year or give specifics on identifying stolen books, but the software in the bookstore can assist in the process.

George Hacking, head of public safety, said all they can do is investigate and send information to student life for a judicial hearing. Also in an email, Hacking said they always have the option of sending it to the State Police if the school decides it is a better venue.

Litte-Drown says the bookstore also buys books that are needed by a wholesaler, those titles they ship to the appropriate vendor. Those titles the bookstore does not generally pay half for, they offer the current wholesale price.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Online Package Planning Guide

I followed the outline on page 161:
Questions readers will ask
1.) People should care becuase ski equipment is expensive, and not something you want to lose.
2) We should answer this all throughout the story, how it gets stolen, why and prevention.
3.) Same as above.
4.) Same as above.
Final Story Package
Main Page- Headline/ Deck- Preventing Ski Theft
Photos/Art- Ski safety equipment, skis, snowboards and poles
Sidebars/Extras- Safety checklist, Step-by-step guide to keep safe,contact information for equipment that does get stolen.
links: to website you can purchase locks and such.
Second Related page- Optional
Third/Related page (if you have a second and need more, mine is short enough for one page)
I would add a pole asking how many people have had equipment stolen from them on the mountain. I could add an interactive map of resorts that offer protection like lockers or ski check in's and outs.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Newspapers Vs. TV and Web

Newspapers, Broadcast and Web news are three different ways to tell stories. Newspapers can go into more detail and be much longer, more satisfying stories. Newspapers also have very credible sources. But, they have to wait until the next morning to print.
Broadcast stories are advantageous because TV's are on 24-7 and anchors can broadcast breaking news to the public within seconds. They cut the details and get straight to the hard facts. Some people prefer watching news because they can be in a relaxed state and let the anchor fill them with news instead of reading it themselves. They can also show videos and photos.
Web stories can do all of the above plus other multimedia like podcasts. Web stories can be downloaded instantaniously, and anyone can read stories on the web as long as they have access to a computer, ipod or phone these days. Anyone can put anything on the internet so credible sources are harder to find. Definitely the most accessable way to tell stories.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

CNN is where I like to go to get my news. It is mostly "hard news" not silly celebrity news like whos not wearing underwear. TMZ and E! Online mostly post those sorts of news issues. CNN is a well credited source for information. There are no pop-ups and only a few car ads usually. The topics of news are nicely organized towars the bottom, so if you are looking for a certain news story, it is right at your fingertips. It is also a great multimedia online source for breaking news. CNN is not biased to a certain political party, unlike FOX news.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Safety on the Mountain

During the busy ski season it is extremely easy to lift more than just the chairs.

By not taking proper precautions when planning to spend the day on the slopes, it is easy for someone else to make off with your ski and snowboard equipment. To prevent ski theft, always keep your skis locked, either with your own and lock, or some resorts make it possible to rent them out. Lock them to the rack, or look to see if resorts have lockers skiers can keep them in. Steven Wright, who is part of the Marketing and Sales team at Jay Peak suggests splitting skis on the rack with a friend. Most of the time, a theif will be in too much of a hurry to look for the other matching ski.

" The best way to keep equipment safe is to buy a lock," Wright says.

Wright says to keep your ski equipment in view of where you are sitting, if going inside to grab bite to eat. Locking your equipment in a vehicle when not in use is another way to prevent theft, just make sure the equipment is out of view. Recording the make, model and serial number of your eqipment will help identify items if they are infact stolen. Wright added Jay Peak is offering a new service to ensure safety.

" For six dollars, people can check their ski equipment in and out of the lodge all day long, like you would a coat."

People wishing to use this service is given a tag to identify their equipment.
In the event of a theft, double check the area you last left your equipment, report the theft immediately to the resort, and have them contact the police.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Broadcast Style- Criminal Offenses

Each year, Public Safety provides a report to raise awareness of crimes on and around campus.

Last year, there were two forceable sex offenses on campus in the residence halls.
62 people guilty of violating drug laws were referred to disciplinary action. One was arrested. 128 students were referred to disciplinary action for violation of liquor laws. Three were arrested.

Public Safety is required to keep on hand a daily log available upon request for the public to view. More on these criminal statistics can be found on Public Safety's website, give them a call, or simply stop by.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Criminal Offenses at LSC

Each year, Public Safety provides a report to raise awareness of crimes on and around campus.
The categories are as follows: Murder/Non-negligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, forceable and non-forceable sex offenses, robbery, aggrivated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft and arson.

Last year in 2008, out of these categories, there were two forcible sex offenses on campus. These offemses occured in the residence halls. None of the listed offenses took place on public property, or were reported to have manifested evidence of prejudice based on race, gender,religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin or disability. 62 people guilty of violating drug laws were referred to disciplinary action. One was arrested. 128 students were referred to disciplinary action for violation of liquor laws. Three were arrested.

Considering it is only halfway through the semester, and two sexual assaults have already taken place this year, 2009 is not looking good in some categories. This information is available to the public through Public Safety's homepape: A daily log is also kept and available upon request.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Public Safety as an Escort Service?

If you haven't heard, Lyndon State College also doubles as a college escort service.

Now, before you start to get too excited, let me explain. Public Safety, the department headed by George Hacking, is mostly known for partoling campus, confiscating drugs and alcohol, and recovering lost cell phones, books, and keys. But for those of you who didn't know, Public Safety can also double as an escort service to students.

With all the recent robberies, and numerous thefts in the area, some students may feel unsafe walking in the dark around campus after many of us have already left the college. This is a legitimate reason to request an escort, and Public Safety would be glad to accomodate students.

Another recent service LSC is offering is the Lyndon State Emergency Alert. This is a notification to students, facutly and parents via PDA's, emails, or cell phones. People seeking these alerts can sign up on the following website: or call Public Safety at 802-626-6452.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Public Safety Log

The Grass is Greener in Whitelaw
Public Safety responded to Whitehall Residential Hall on Friday for a suspicion of marijuana .

Don't Do Drugs
Public Safety responded to Whitehall again on Friday for an alcohol and drug violation.

Don't Destruct Crev!
Public Safety responded to vandalism and destruction of property in Crevcour Residential Hall on Friday.

The Fourth Was in July...
Public Safety responded to Stongehenge Residential Hall on Saturday to find fireworks in a car.

Keep Your Hands to Yourself!
Public Safety responded to a sexual assault in Whitelaw Residential Hall on Sunday.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Excuses Excuses Excuses

Excuses Excuses Excuses
By Moriah Pratt and Tara Parenteau

‘My dog ate my homework’ just didn’t make the list.

College students have very difficult lives trying to balance academics and their social schedules while being away from home. The social lives of students sometimes interfere with the academic lives and require some sort of explanation or excuse. While most of these excuses at least sound legitimate, some are just plain lame.

The general excuses are being sick, or over sleeping, which are very common things for students in college.

“I had to miss two days of classes because I had tonsillitis,” said Miranda Machia, sophomore education major. “It was mostly because of my field experience class, they didn’t want me around the younger kids while I was so sick.”

Of course there are more difficult situations that make students miss class as well. Machia also missed classes because her father was in the hospital. Katie Whitney, sophomore nursing major, had to return home because her dog had died.

"His best friends unlce died, and he had to be there for his friend," said Professor David Buck Beliles on a former student. Professor John Deleo once had a student miss class because their mother was having a baby.

Living in Vermont can also cause a lot of excuses for students who drive. Winter in Vermont can be very dangerous and create many road hazards. Commuters and students who choose to go home on the weekends can get caught up in storms or are snowed in. Professor Pauline Dwyer once had a student claim their car broke down, which sounds legit for a commuter, but not when this particular student lived on campus.

“I missed class because my car hit a patch of ice on the highway and I slid into the median,” said Tom Guidoboni, a sophomore here at Lyndon State. Professor Charlotte Albright on the other hand, had a very committed student. Albright said she had a former student come to class late even after being in an accident. And for those of you planning on using the old, "My alarm clock didn't go off," to Albright, she will simply smile and say, "It doesn't set itself."

With all of today’s technology, homework is becoming more and more computer based. While this is more convenient, it leaves more room for errors. Many students are unlucky and end up with computer malfunctions ranging from emails not sending to hard drive crashes.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Quimby Galley Artist

For those of you lucky enough to have already seen the exhibit in the Quimby Gallery, and those of you who haven't, here is the scoop behind the talented artist, Sumner Crenshaw. And don't miss the exhibit; it ends October 14th.

I wasn't fortunate enough to meet Crenshaw in person, but I found everything I was looking for through our emails.

Q: What can you tell me about your background?
Crenshaw: I was born in Phoenix, AZ, in 1984 but I grew up in Derby, VT. I received my BFA from Johnson State College in 2006, and this spring I earned my MFA from the Academy of Art University.

Q:What are your hobbies?
Crenshaw: I enjoy traveling, walking my dog, and lately I’ve also gotten into baking. And, I suppose that one of my favorite pastimes is shopping:)

Q: Name your favorite museum:
Censhaw:I love the Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan. I could go there a million times and not get bored. Their collection is just astounding. One of my favorite art pieces is Salvador Dali’s “The Temptation of St. Anthony”. Another is Picasso’s “The Frugal Meal”. Both of these pieces are so full of power, and I really admire how the artists exaggerated the forms.

Have you ever attended LSC?
Crenshaw: I attended LSC for a semester in 2003; I took a figurative drawing class with Martin McGowan.

Q: Name a few pieces in the Quimby Gallery:
Crenshaw:“Avoidance”, “Pulling Our Weight”, “The Anguish of Surrendering”

Q:How long have you been painting?
Crenshaw: I’ve been creating art my whole life, but I started painting about 5 years ago.

Q:What is the inspiration behind your art work?
Crenshaw: A lot of what inspires me comes from within. I think that inner emotions and struggles are great creative starting points, and many of my ideas come from expressing these hidden emotions. Letting yourself feel pain and getting in touch with it unlocks so much creative potential. I’ve never been afraid to paint the darker side of things, and to me, every little drama and stumble in life is an opportunity to find an idea and tell a story.

Q:Where is your favorite place to create art?
Crenshaw: My home studio. It’s quiet and free of distractions. There I can just go off into my own little world and focus on what I’m painting.

Q: What are your goals for the future?
Crenshaw: My goal has always been to be recognized. I hope that one day people will know my name and recognize my art. I want to be remembered, and, as corny as it sounds, I hope that someday my own work will be hanging in the Museum of Modern Art.

Q:Is your work displayed elsewhere?
Crenshaw: I don’t have any other exhibitions up right now, but my work is displayed on a few websites, including and I also have an online shop where I display and sell t-shirts and other products that are decorated with my art. It’s at

Q: Who is your favorite artist, and things to paint?
Crenshaw: I think that Salvador Dali’s work is just spectacular. He’s always been a favorite of mine. I can remember being a little kid, looking through a book of his paintings, and being mesmerized by his work. His paintings transport the viewer to a whole different realm. I also admire the German Expressionist painters, especially Egon Schiele. I like how they managed to fuse emotion and style in their work. I really like to paint people and imaginary environments. The idea of being able to create a new world and present a different viewpoint appeals to me. I’ve painted other things, such as landscapes and still lifes, but they don’t grab me the way that figurative work does. I have a great amount of respect and admiration for artists who work in these genres, but they’ve just never been for me. Being able to paint figures in some imaginary scenario is what I’m passionate about.

Q: Do you create other forms of art?
Crenshaw: I create ceramic pieces, and I also do printmaking.

Q; Does your work have a message to the viewer?
Crenshaw: I hope that this exhibit resonates with viewers. My desire is to have visitors connect to and identify with the paintings. I hope that viewers will look at the works and ponder the emotions behind the subjects, realizing the diverse ways in which art can convey and illuminate emotions, and the powerful creative possibilities of both realism and surrealism.

Q:If you could describe your work in a few sentences what would it say?
Crenshaw: My work stretches from realism to abstraction to surrealism. The images I create represent things swirling in all of us, too hidden to recognize and often too frightening to acknowledge. I try to paint the passions, frustrations and fears that sway us all; the feeling of looking at someone and knowing you’ve been betrayed, or of facing your own reflection and just wanting to scream.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Think Before You Drink

Tara Parenteau

One month ago, a 21 year old girl had her life taken from her without any warning.
Bethany McAllister, of North Troy, was taking an evening walk with her friend Alyssa Burns. Police say a drunk driver came up behing both girls and struck them. Bethany got thrown into a telephone poll and died almost immediately. Her friend suffered serious injuries but survived. Police then said the intoxicated driver left the scene of the accident to cause another one a few towns away.
Drinking and driving is a serious offense that people, mostly us young adults, still don't seem to grasp. With the new year just beginning, also comes the pressure for us students to drink. For those of you new to the area, Vermont has it's penalties for disobeying the law just like any other state.
In Vermont, the first time you are caught drinking and driving, you will have your lisence suspended for a minimum of 90 days, have to complete a drug and alcohol program at your own expense, be fined up to $750, or be imprisoned for two years.
The second time you are caught, you will be fined $ 1500, be imprisoned for up to two years, or both. More programs have to be completed, as well as 200 hours of community service. This time your license will be suspended for up to 18 months.
The third time you are caught your license will be revoked for life. You will be fined up to %2500, imprisoned up to five years, and have to serve 400 hours of community service. One hundred consecutive hours of imprisonment must be served as well.
Drinking and driving is just not worth your time, future or money.
(laws taken from

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Jay Peak Vs. Burke Mountain

Tara Parenteau
September 15, 2009
Jay Peak Vs. Burke Mountain

It’s why alot of the students come to Northern Vermont. It’s where alot of students go on weekends and snow days. And it is coming soon. Skiing and snowboarding season that is.
With fall around the corner, many ski and snowboard bums are out working for their season’s passes to two of the closest resorts around the area, Jay Peak and Burke Mountain. Jay Peak is located a few miles from the Canadian border in the town of Jay. Burke Mountain is located a few miles from the LSC campus. While many students already have their preference of which mountain they like to invest in, here is a little information for those of you new to the area and want to get your ski on.
College Student ticket (1 day) $50 $43
Season’s Pass $599-699 $599
Number of Trails 76 45
Acres of Terrain 385 250
Levels of novice (easy) trails 20 % 25%
Intermediate Trails 40 % 45%
Expert Trails 40 % 30 %
Mountain Elevation 3267 ft 1815 ft
Average Snowfall
366 inches 217 inches

Both of the mountains have parks, glades, and snow making. They also have events held throughout the year including music festivals, and if you’re looking for employment this just might be the place to look. Joel Lacoss, an avid snowboarder very familiar with both mountains, said each mountain has their advantages. “Burke has a great park crew who takes care of the terrain park. It is well maintained everyday and has lots of features. Jay Peak has better natural terrain and snowfall, as well as snow depths and glades.”
To receive more information go to: or

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What do you think of the new construction on campus?

Tim Gaskill
Math + Secondary Education
" I definitely think it's loud, but nice to see more buildings rise up and the progress along the way."

Renee Hamel-Boudreault
Elementary Education

" It hasn't really bothered me. I haven't really noticed it all that much."

Justin Rathbun

" I think it's a good thing for the students, but being a commuter there are certain things that need to be done that are priority, like more parking spots."

Thank you all for your help.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Daniel W. Williams, 52 of Lyndon, Vt., died last Friday when he took a bullet for the former President of the United States while reporting on his latest inaugural address.
Williams was born October 26, 1956 in Berwin, Il., the husband of Susan Millar-Williams also of Lyndon,Vt. Williams was born to James Williams of Hiltonhead, Sc.and Mary Williams. Mary predeceased her son and husband in 1998. Other survivors include sons Martin of Providence, RI., and James of Lyndon Vt., and daughter Gretchen of Detroit Mi. Daniel also leaves behind his dog Louis.
William's career in news started in 1977 when he graduated from Kansas State University with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism. He later completed his education with a master’s degree from Ohio State University in 1980. Soon after, Daniel worked for the Oklahoma Journal in Oklahoma City, Ok. William's then traveled across the ocean to Munich, Germany where he went to work for Radio Free Europe for nine years. After returning to the states, Daniel worked to become the Overseas Editorial Director for the first twenty-four hour news broadcasting station, CNN. He contributed to CNN from 1991 until 2004 when he commuted to Birmingham, Alabama for two years to teach at Samford University. Williams then moved his family up North and became a Professor at Lyndon State College, where he was currently employed.
Daniel enjoyed gardening, cooking, writing, teaching, and most of all, spending time with his family. He was a member of the College Media Advisers, and the A.E.J.M.C. Contributions can be made to the Lyndon State College Daniel W. William’s Journalism Scholarship, Lyndonville VT 05851.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Our team will take pictures of places we like to go swimming and do a google map and slideshow, possibly an audio one. We can use the handy tool of google picassa to save our pictures online so we don't have to worry about bringing our cameras in.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Newspaper Vidoes

Putting a Twist on Spaghetti:
This is from the New York Times so ofcouse it is of good quality, sound and picture wise. It is about 5 minutes long so it is appropriate for online news, viewers can look at it on their own time. It is nothing I would air live in a news broadcast because it is not ground breaking news, just interesting. This is not a very effective video.


This is also from so it is of very good quality as well. This video IS effective and I WOULD air it online, because it is current, effective news with personal stories of the Afghanistan women and how they are being treated. It is 7 minuted long but worth watching.

Monday, April 13, 2009


New Years in Thailand.
This report was a slideshow but only contained 6 pictures of New Years in Thailand. They were taken from a car window so they were inconsistant and very rando. They didn't emphasize on any excitment, it just looks like any other day in the city. The story was short and didn't tell me anything about New Years in Thailand. This has not been on the air for obvious reasons. I would have gotten out of the car and risked taking better pictures.

Racial Equality in NYC

This video was pretty interesting. It was about a guy who lives in New York City reporting on the racial equality rallies that were taking place on Easter. He interviewed a rallier and obtained some opinions. It was good quality and could be aired on cnn.

Police Officers
This man definitely should not be on cnn. He talks really bad and looks even worse. He sounds uneducated and keeps repeating himself. He wants cops to give people common courtesy. He makes some good points but looks to idiotic to be taken seriously. I could definitely have done a better job.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Greener Construction

Tara, Emily, Michelle, Ariana

Go Green...Even with Construction!

Today, more than ever, the world is creating more and more ways to “go green,” or simply live more efficiently. Many of us have realized the world will eventually run clear of resources if we don’t effectively start to conserve them, immediately. By living “greener” one can minimize pollution, protect our environment and create a healthy, non-hazardous place for us all. This is very important for those of us who plan to build new homes as well. The new building Lyndon State College is having built is also thinking green with the lumber they are using. The construction workers are using recyclable wood all throughout the new structure. The California Energy Commission offers the following tips for “greener” building.
First of all, make sure your project is appropriate for where you live. Certain materials and methods are better suited for specific geographical locations. Heavier construction materials should be used for drastic temperatures in the Southwest, for example, and lighter ones in places like southern Florida. Secondly, when possible, build with materials that are that of recycled content. This aspect pretty much speaks for itself. Examples of materials that can be recyclable are: metals, timber, plastic, glass, and ceramics. Thirdly, buy your materials locally so you can cut down on transportation and environmental costs.
Following these easy to follow tips will help our environment and the home builder in the long run. Investing in quality products may cost a little bit more, but will last a lot longer in the end, which is the efficiency the world now needs more than ever.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

How to Use Soundslides

Everyone Needs to Read these Instructions!
(If hyperlink doesn't work)

My Sunday

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Present from Danny Claus

SLIDESHOWS had a bunch of slideshows. This one is called Father Damien.It has audio ( music ) which accompanies the slideshow very well. The pictures are vibrant and uplifting, it's purpose is to show off the museum and it's faith. This slideshow would be boring without the music.

To View Father Damien:

The next slideshow had no music and I was attracted to it because I love to travel. This slideshow was very short but displayed beautiful clips of Peru and would be very effective in the tourism business.

To View Peru:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Finished Team 1

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History of Horoscopes
By Tara, Michelle, Arianna and Emily

The word “astrology” came from the Greeks, meaning “Science of the Stars.” The Greeks were the first to come across horoscopes and astrology thousands of years ago. It was first used by farmers so they could know the correct times of year to plant their crops. The farmers noticed how the sun position had an effect on the harvest. Astrologers then believed the position of the stars and horoscopes had an effect on a person’s life and what their futures held.
Then in 500 B.C., famous philosopher Aristotle studied astrology and made it more popular. It became less popular when Galileo Galilei used a telescope in the 1500’s. He went against all former assumptions with astrology and how horoscopes aligned the stars. In more recent times, former first lady Nancy Reagan used astrology after her husband encountered an assassination attempt. She then hired an astrologer to choose the best times for her husband, the current President of the United States, to make public appearances.
In 300 B.C. astrology became popular in Egypt. Christianity then again took back over during the Middle Ages. Astrology has made its way into people’s interests yet again in the 21st century.
Determine Your Zodica: (Taken from
If you were born between March 21 and April 19, then your sign is Aries. Arians are said to be confident and intelligent. They are also said to be impatient and selfish.
If you were born between April 20 and May 20, then your sign is Taurus. Taureans are said to be dependable and loyal. They are also said to be stubborn and self-indulgent at times.
If you were born between May 21 and June 20, then your sign is Gemini. Geminis are said to be harmonious and agreeable. They are also said to be fickle and gossipy at times.
If you were born between June 21 and July 22, then your sign is Cancer. Cancers are said to be sensitive and protective. They are also said to be moody and shrewd at times.
If you were born between July 23 and August 22, then your sign is Leo. Leos are said to be honest and brave. They are also said to be braggers at times.
If you were born between August 23 and September 22, then your sign is Virgo. Virgos are said to be modest and hard-working. They are also said to be irritable and sloppy at times.
If you were between September 23 and October 22, then your sign is Libra. Librans are said to be charming and romantic. They are also said to be flirty and overbearing at times.
If you were born between October 23 and November 22, then your sign is Scorpio. Scorpions are said to be good concentrators. They are also said to be secretive and unnerving at times.
If you were born between November 23 and December 21, then your sign is Sagittarius. Sagittarians are said to be optimistic and adaptable. They are also said to be short-tempered and indulgent at times.
If you were born between December 22 and January 19, then your sign is Capricorn. Capricorns are said to be realistic and cautious. They are also said to be egotistical and critical at times.
If you were born between January 20 and February 19, the your sign is Aquarius. Aquarians are said to be cooperative and thoughtful. They are also said to be rude and insecure at times.
And, if you were born between February 20 and March 20, then your sign is Pisces. Pisceans are said to be caring and helpful. They are also said to be dependent and blameful others at times.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


There are 12 different zodiac signs from which we are going to do our "horoscopes" from. Since there are 4 of us, we each are going to write 3 different entries, totaling the 12 horoscopes. They may be comical, gory or stupid, but definitely not true, maybe believable. We will include lucky or not so lucky numbers and dates. It should be entertaining.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Audio Podcasts
CNN has hourly and daily podcasts, every subject you can imagine. Most popular ones include Larry King Podcast and Anderson Cooper 360. Sound quality is very good, however I don't think I will be wathcing any more, I prefer the tv news, even though these do have video as well.
These are mostly audio podcasts. Mostly political, not very creative but the sound quality is fair.
This podcast you can listen to different music around the world which I found pretty interesting. The sound quality is very good.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Lessons in Recruiting

LSC student Sam Monroe reports about the many ways coaches here at Lyndon State College pull in recruits from different areas to be a part of our sports family.

LSC women's basketball coach, Vincent Maloney, starts off by mentioning "Great players make good coaches great." And in order to find those great players, recruiting is extremely necessary.
LSC's sports information director, Bill Johnson, also says "Recruiting is the life's blood of your program." Johnson's direct words stress just how necessary the recruitment is.
LSC is a division three college, so it cannot offer the scholarships that other larger schools can. Coaches have to make up for this by traveling to local games and meeting with the players on a one on one basis.
The coaches like to put emphasis on the small size of the school, the winter sports and the close connection between students and teachers.
Coach Vincent Maloney sums up recruiting by saying, "Bringing in solid athletes to make the program stronger, builds the team and helps the campus as well."

LSC Professors Survive Plane Crash

Five Passengers Die aboard New York Airline 

On Thursday, February 5th, two Professors from Lyndon State College in Lyndonville, Vermont survived a plane crash that left five fatalities.

The two professors were George Johnson and John Dumont, who were in New York attending a teacher conference. 

The airliner, which took off from LaGuardia airport, crashed upon takeoff. The causes for this unsightly crash are yet to be determined. 

Out of the forty-five passengers aboard, five were left dead while Professor Johnson and Dumont were two of the lucky survivors who remained uninjured as well. 

FYI: This is not a real story: For classroom purposes

MySpace Removes 90,000 Sex Offenders

Company and law officials said that about 90,000 sex offenders have been identified and removed from the poplular online website MySpace!

North Carolina attourney General Roy Cooper, who has been trying to make MySpace a safer place for teens, estimated that 90,000 was double of what he had expected. Cooper wasn't surprised at the increase of offenders, but strongly encourages MySpace and online rival Facebook do more to protect their young users.

Cooper feels their sites have a responsibility to make them safe because, as he quotes "These sites were created for young people to communicate with eachother."

A substantial number of sex offendes were found on Facebook, but the company hasn't responded to a recent subpoena.

MySpace executives trust the program Sentinel Safe, one that can identify, remove, and block against sex offenders.

MySpace has more than 130 million users worldwide, and is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.
(From Caledonian Record 2/4/09)
Take a look at this one particular sex offender :

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Idea in science & society...

Our science teacher at LSC....I won't mention any names, has the most interesting ideas...he feels that someone could make a bunch of money by proposing "Greener Dorms." Students could conserve resources and at the end of the year get some of their room and board money back. I think it is a great idea; I am just not creative or smart enough to put the effort into it.