Thursday, February 5, 2009

MySpace Removes 90,000 Sex Offenders

Company and law officials said that about 90,000 sex offenders have been identified and removed from the poplular online website MySpace!

North Carolina attourney General Roy Cooper, who has been trying to make MySpace a safer place for teens, estimated that 90,000 was double of what he had expected. Cooper wasn't surprised at the increase of offenders, but strongly encourages MySpace and online rival Facebook do more to protect their young users.

Cooper feels their sites have a responsibility to make them safe because, as he quotes "These sites were created for young people to communicate with eachother."

A substantial number of sex offendes were found on Facebook, but the company hasn't responded to a recent subpoena.

MySpace executives trust the program Sentinel Safe, one that can identify, remove, and block against sex offenders.

MySpace has more than 130 million users worldwide, and is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.
(From Caledonian Record 2/4/09)
Take a look at this one particular sex offender :

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